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Face to Face

Face to Face counselling is what we picture when we think of traditional therapy. It’s done in the room together, in my office in Squamish. This is a more classic style of therapy - couch and all - and is suitable for anyone who appreciates the intimacy and connection that being in the room together offers.


Video Counselling

Video counselling, typically delivered over Zoom, FaceTime or Skype, is for individuals located outside of the Sea to Sky corridor at the time of our session, or for those who prefer to have a session in the comfort of their own home. This includes individuals who travel frequently for work, who live and/or work internationally, or for people who prefer to ‘take their therapist on the road’. 



E-counselling is delivered over email and is a therapeutic ‘penpal’ style relationship. It works well for people who have busy schedules and like to choose their own time to intentionally connect with their therapist. It’s excellent for people who have unreliable internet- perhaps located rurally or working in developing countries. It’s also suitable for people who find in person contact too overwhelming, as it provides a buffer to the more intimate nature that comes with other methods of therapy. 

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